How To Care For A Money Tree?

how to care for a money tree

Money tree, often known as the Guiana Chestnut or Pachira Aquatica, is a tree native to Central and South America and has become a symbol of good luck. It has also earned a significant place in feng shui. Did you know that they can grow up to 60 ft tall outdoors?

Having shiny leaves and pretty braided trunks, this houseplant has quickly gained popularity. It manages to look good in any setting. 

When indoors, a money tree plant can be treated like a bonsai and pruned regularly, letting it grow up to 8 feet. This article will give you care instructions and help you make your money tree thrive. 

How To Care For A Money Tree-Basic Plant Care

The money tree is a tropical plant from Central and South America that grows in marshlands with high humidity. To get the best results indoors, it is important to try and mimic their natural growing conditions.

The various factors that affect the effective growth of this plant are sunlight, temperature, water, humidity, and fertilization.

1. Sunlight

When growing a money tree plant indoors, it is important to place it in a spot that has bright and indirect sunlight, like near a south or west-facing window. It should be noted that by placing it in an area with too much sunlight, the leaves can burn and lead to brown patches.

Additionally, rotate the plant each time you water it, so there’s no uneven growth.

2. Temperature

The ideal temperature for a money tree is between 50-90℉. When grown indoors, care for your money tree should include placing them away from drafts and heating/cooling vents.

If growing them outside, when temperatures exceed 40℉, they should be placed inside to protect them from the cold.

3. Watering

Money trees require a lot of moisture, so if you tend to overwater plants, this is the perfect plant for you. The name “Pachira Aquatica” gives you a hint that it thrives on moisture.

But when indoors, overwatering can kill the plant. It is important not to let it sit in water overnight. The best way to water your money tree plant effectively is to water it after the soil dries.

4. Humidity

Money tree plants thrive in locations with high humidity. When growing this indoors, use a humidifier, a pebble tray filled with water, and mist it regularly to raise the humidity.

5. Fertilizer

Having a typical fertilizer is ideal for feeding your money tree plant. Follow the instructions and use the right dose to grow the money tree properly. Changing the fertilizer twice a year (spring and midsummer) is ideal.

6. Braided Trunks

Braided trunks are very common in money tree plants as there are often multiple plants in one pot. There is a belief that braided trunks signify locking in the good luck of the tree. The money tree plant continues to grow normally, even with a braided trunk. 

Pruning the plant regularly encourages proper growth. As the tree ages, the trunks fuse to create an attractive plant. 

The ideal way to cultivate a money tree plant is to put a pot with a well-draining potting mix and place it in bright indirect light away from drafty areas. It needs to be watered thoroughly, and the soil needs to dry between rounds of watering.

It needs to be fed regularly during spring and summer.

Prune them with pruning shears as required or shape them like a bonsai. 

7. Leaves

Since this is an easy plant to grow and maintain, there aren’t many hard challenges you will face. The challenges you face will be with the leaves. 

Yellow Leaves

They occur when a plant is overwatered or underfed. Check the soil for moisture, and if it feels like a sponge, underwater, it or maybe even a repot it using a well-draining blend. If leaves are yellow and the soil is still dry, it may need to be fertilized. 

Brown Leaves

They often happen when there isn’t enough humidity. To improve this, group it with other indoor plants or place the pot on a pebble tray partially filled with water. You can also mist your plant or run a humidifier. 

Dropping Leaves

They occur if the plant is exposed to winter temperatures or is overwatered. This can be fixed once the growing conditions are improved.

How To Plant A Money Tree

Use a well-draining nutritious indoor peat moss potting mix designed for plants. Peatmoss has a loamy texture which helps the money plants thrive. To increase the energy levels and maintain growth, repot it every 2 years.

How To Water A Money Tree

Since money tree plants originate from marshlands, it requires humidity and moisture. You have to give it enough water that the excess water runs out through the bottom of the pot. To avoid root rot, it’s recommended to let the top 2 inches of soil dry before watering it again and have spaced schedules.

How To Feed A Money Tree

Feeding the money tree will keep it nice and green, which can be very rewarding. The soil it is planted in is designed to provide it with the nutrients it needs. Feed your money tree with plant food weekly during summer and have access to bright indirect light.

How To Grow More Money Trees

To grow more money tree plants from your existing plant, cut 2 or more branches up into 6-inch sections. Please place it in a container with a moist rooting mixture. It will grow within a few weeks and can then be moved into a pot with potting mix and perlite.

Money Tree Toxicity: Are Money Trees Poisonous To Pets?

The money tree is easy to grow and hard to overwater. It’s safe for cats and dogs and is not poisonous. However, they can cause mild stomach irritation if ingested. If ingested regularly, it can cause coughing, choking, and vomiting. It is worth being vigilant and keeping them away from your furry buddies. It should also be noted that the jade plant is toxic to dogs and should not be ingested.

Common Problems

  • Root rot: This occurs when there is overwatering or dry soil. This can cause yellow, brown, or dropped leaves. This can be fixed by repotting the plant in fresh soil.
  • Leaf scorching: Receiving excessive sunlight can scorch the leaves of the trees. This can be fixed by placing it in a spot with bright indirect light.
  • Lack of light: Leaves might turn yellow if the plant doesn’t get enough light, even if it is watered properly.
  • Insects: When grown indoors, the money tree can be prone to mealybugs and scale. If an infection occurs, treat the money trees through a mild insecticide or horticultural oil.


Here are some questions that are commonly asked about the money tree plant.

1. Are Money Tree Leaves Poisonous?

The money tree is not considered toxic. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has labeled this plant as non-toxic. So don’t be discouraged from keeping it at home. However, this plant can irritate your pet’s belly if they consume the leaves. 

2. Why Is My Money Tree Plant Losing Leaves?

Like many other trees, losing leaves is a widespread phenomenon. But if you notice excessive or frequent leaf loss, it may be due to a draft. This could be because of a vent or a door. So be careful where you place your tree. 

3. Is My Money Tree Plant Getting Enough Humidity?

Money trees thrive on humidity. While some people choose humidifiers, others pick a humidity tray. This can also create a pleasing aesthetic in addition to providing the tree with the humidity it needs. 

4. What If My Money Tree Plant Gets An Insect Infestation?

The most common insects that infest money tree plants are aphids and mealybugs. They will not harm your plant if you act fast. Insecticidal soap and warm water is the best solution to get rid of them quickly.

5. I Think My Money Tree Plant Has A Root Rot. What Now?

Root rot is a very usual problem, especially in instances of overwatering. To fix this issue, just repot your plant in fresh peat moss soil and wash off the diseased soil in the old pot. Repot it in a pot with good draining and adjust your watering routine. 

Summing Up

Money trees are a very popular choice for houseplants, regardless of whether they’re tall or pruned. It succeeds in looking both like a tree and palm. They have five leaves on a stem. Though originating in Central and South America, it has gained popularity in East Asian countries too.

Getting its name from the good luck, it’s supposed to bring the owner. It is a bonus that they’re low maintenance. It is claimed that if money trees are placed in areas related to money, it will bring good luck to everyone around.

If the above steps are followed, the money tree plant care is sure to be effective, and you’ll have a prosperous plant that’ll thrive for years to come. Keep reading our page to get more information!