The Best Fertilizer For Watermelons-Top 7

best fertilizer for watermelons

Did you know August 3rd is celebrated as National Watermelon Day? This refreshing drink contains 92 per cent water, which is so satisfying during the scorching summer heat. It is used in drinks and served in desserts across the country.

Who doesn’t love juicy and delicious Watermelon to eat during summers? Donned with numerous health benefits, Watermelon is one of the most popular fruit across the world. If you are a garden enthusiast, you can definitely try growing Watermelons in your garden.

It seems easy to eat and enjoy beverages made from Watermelon, the more difficult and tricky it is to grow them. If you are thinking of growing the Watermelons on your own, you will need an extensive guide to help you with a step-by-step process. Therefore, don’t stop here and read along to know how to grow juicy and nutritious Watermelons at your pace.

Table of Contents

Different Varieties Of Watermelon Plants

With over 50 Watermelon varieties across the world, the consumers are provided with a wide range of choices for different sizes, colors, and shapes of Watermelon. You must be only familiar with the bright reddish-pink Watermelon with black seeds; however, there are also orange, yellow, pink, and white-fleshed Watermelon varieties.

Therefore, Watermelon can be divided into four popular and widely used varieties: yellow-orange fleshed, seedless, picnic, and icebox Watermelons.

Yellow-Orange Fleshed

The flesh of the Watermelon color ranges from yellow to orange inside the oblong or round varieties. Originated in Africa, the Watermelon variety has quite a unique honey-like flavor.

The Watermelons can be with seeds or seedless, weighing around 10-30 pounds. The seeded varieties are Yellow Doll, Yellow Baby, Tendergold, and Desert King. On the Other hand, the seedless varieties are Honeyheart and Chiffon.

Seedless Watermelons

Containing small, white, immature, and edible seeds, the seedless variety is developed in the 1990s so that people don’t have to always throw the seeds while eating. Weighing anywhere from 10 to 20 pounds, the sweetness is similar to the seeded variety of Watermelons.

Today, about 85 per cent of seedless Watermelons are grown around the world. The popular examples of seedless varieties are Trio, Queen of Hearts, Nova, Millionaire, King of Hearts, Jack of Hearts, and Crimson.

Picnic Watermelons

Picnic Watermelon is named due to its ability to feed a large group when you are doing a backyard barbeque or a picnic. The Watermelon has been named under the Guinness Book Of World Record for its massive 279 lbs. weight.

Comes in an oval shape; the Watermelons have a deep red flesh and a bright green rind. Due to their gigantic size, the picnic Watermelons enjoy long maturity times. Some common picnic Watermelon varieties are Jubilee, Crimson Sweet, Charleston Gray, Black diamond, and All sweet.

Icebox Watermelons

The icebox Watermelons are called so because of their size range from 5-15 pounds. The size is compact enough to store in your refrigerator. Plus, they are large enough to feed 2-4 people in a small family.

The two popular varieties of icebox Watermelons are Tiger Baby and Sugar Baby. Once matured, Tiger Baby takes a gold color while Sugar Baby has red flesh and dark green rind. 

How To Care For Watermelons For The Bountiful Growth And Development?

No Watermelon can miraculously develop overnight just by planting them. They require the optimal environmental conditions and your care for their exceptional growth. So, let us discuss how you can provide the necessary growing conditions for your Watermelon.

Bloom In The Sun

Watermelons are known as sun-worshipping plants. While growing Watermelons, you should know how they protect themselves from long hours of sunlight. Watermelon plants can create a shade with their leaves to preserve the fruit and vines.

To thrive, Watermelons require at least eight hours of sunlight every day. Though they can grow in shaded regions, the fruits produced will be less sweet and smaller in size.

Soil Conditions

Soil is essential for Watermelon’s growth and development. Therefore, you need to know the ideal soil blends for Watermelons.

You need not used hard-packed soil as your plants won’t be able to stretch their roots. The soil should be well-drained, loamy, and amended with compost. Being heavy-feeders, seaweed, or aged manure also makes useful additions to the soil.

The soil pH should be between 6-6.5. The vines can handle up to 7 pH; however, it should not be below six as it may result in vine stunting or yellow leaves.

Humidity And Temperature

The ideal temperature for growing Watermelon varies during the day and night. During the day, it should be between 60 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit whereas; it should be between 65 to 70 degrees during the night.  

When the Watermelon plant is young, they are most delicate as they are vining and spreading out. You should use a shade cloth to cool the plant until the leaves begin to build a shelter to protect the vine.

Watermelons can thrive in both humid and semi-arid conditions. But, when the humidity is higher, it increases the risk of fungal diseases like downy mildew or powdery mildew.

Appropriate Watermelon Fertilizing

Fertilization is applied at two stages: when the plant is young and when the fruit begins to develop.

A young plant requires Nitrogen to boost spurt growth. Therefore, a fertilizer with high-nitrogen is best after planting. This way, your Watermelons will have enough nutrition for foliage development.

Secondly, use a low-nitrogen fertilizer but high in Phosphorus and Potassium when the vines start to fruits and flowers. The Phosphorus and Potassium combination is required for healthy fruit growth and to stimulate flower production.


Pruning, when done incorrectly, can impact the fruiting of the Watermelon plants. Being monoecious, Watermelons can produce both female and male flowers. They self-pollinate, which means that pruning can unintentionally remove some flowers that produce fruit.

On a Watermelon vine, a male flower appears first, followed by a female flower. So, there is always a male flower when the vine produces a female flower. If there is any space left on the vine to grow more flowers, you can definitely let them grow. However, it has its drawbacks too.

If Watermelon vines produce more fruit than required, they result in less sweet fruit. The fruit can have a mushy texture, the rind can become solid, and the shelf life will decrease. While multiple vines emerge from a single plant, you should decide how many Watermelons you want it to produce.

You can trim the vine’s tip when each vine has produced two fruits at maximum. This way, the leaves will continue to thrive from beyond. Also, don’t forget to sterilize the pruners amidst cuts to protect against the spread of diseases.

How To Deal With Common Watermelon Problems?

As for other plants, Watermelon does go through specific problems while growing. If you know beforehand, you can avoid it from spreading throughout the plants. Let us discuss what the problems are and what you can do to protect your Watermelon plants.

Blossom End Roots While Growing

While growing, plants go through blossom end rots because of the calcium deficiency in the soil. Before planting, you can add bone meal or eggshells to the soil to be accessible to the roots.

In addition, blossom end rots are a common problem when the soil pH is not balanced. Always check the soil pH to ensure that plants have enough calcium.


Watermelons are vulnerable to many fungal diseases like anthracnose, downy mildew, and powdery mildew. They usually occur when you leave the vines and leaves damp. To avoid diseases, you should practice deep irrigation. Moreover, neem oil spray can also prevent the production of fungal spores.


The cucumber beetle is the most common pest of Watermelons. Other pests such as Squash Bugs attack the vines and damages the wilt of the Watermelon. You can prevent their growth by using any pest spray available in the market.

Spider mites and aphids are other varieties of pests who are familiar with the Watermelon vines being filled with sap. Moreover, they can spread cucurbit diseases. To prevent them, you should regularly spray neem oil on the leaf and vine surfaces.  

How To Water Your Watermelon Plants Accurately?

Watermelons are required to water throughout the season. However, when the plants are growing fruits and setting, the requirement for watering them accurately increases. This is the reason that Watermelon has about 92% of water.

Therefore, the plant must take water in huge amount for the fruits to fully develop. If the water is not available, the fruits will fall off and do not grow to their full strength.  Below, you will find some helpful tips to water your Watermelon plants during this crucial time.

  • Provide your Watermelon plants with 16 gallons of water every week
  • Always keep the soil moist until the fruit has grown to its regular size. Stop watering the plant when the fruit began to ripen.
  • Using drip irrigation or soaker hose, mulch the plant’s base. If you wet the foliage, the plant becomes prone to fungal diseases such as downy mildew or powdery mildew.
  • Mulching helps to retain the soil moisture. Once the soil has warmed, spread dried chopped leaves or straw around the Watermelon plant. Also, you can lay garden fabric or black plastic sheeting throughout the planting bed.
  • If you find the wilted leaves in the morning, that means the plants are asking for water.
  • Make sure the soil is moist evenly during fruit development and flowering. You can reduce the amount of water one week before the harvest. The dry soil will help the plants to infuse the fruit with sugars.

How To Know If Your Watermelons Are Ripe?

Harvesting the Watermelons is important as they don’t taste sweet as soon as you pick them. It takes about two-weeks to ripe the Watermelons. Therefore, you should take care of a few things when the time is close for the Watermelons to ripen.

When Watermelons have grown to their full potential, you should reduce the watering frequency. However, you should keep the moisture in the soil consistent so that plant can absorb enough sugar to balance the sweetness.

Keep an eye on the small tendrils situated where the vine and Watermelons are attached. When the Watermelon begins to ripe, the small tendril will dry out. If they become brown, that means your Watermelon is overripe.

Next, you should check if the Watermelon is heavy as per its size. It indicates that the Watermelons contain enough moisture. Also, the outer shell should not be pressed easily. If that happens, it is a sign of overripe Watermelon or impending disease.

How To Rightfully Feed Your Watermelon Plants?

You must know how sunlight and water are crucial for the growth and development of Watermelon plants. However, they are not sufficient. Your Watermelon plants require additional nutrients for their optimal growth.

Thus being said, you should know how to feed your Watermelon plants properly to see them thrive.

  • Use a commercial organic planting mix or aged manure and compost to prepare the planting beds. Dig the soil to about 30cm long.
  • Now, add aged manure to several inches throughout the planting beds before your plant in the autumn.
  • You can side dress the Watermelons with manure tea or fish emulsion diluted solution or compost every two weeks throughout the growing season.
  • You can also side-dress Watermelons with 10-10-10 organic fertilizer before planting. Once the fruits and flowers began to develop, lower the nitrogen level, and increase the Potassium and Phosphorus content.  For instance, apply a 5-10-10 fertilizer.

What Nutrients Are Essential For Watermelon Plants?

The nutrients fulfill the growth requirements and nutrient deficiency of the plant to promote good health. The soil contains the essential fourteen nutrients that are absorbed by the plants when dissolved in water. However, they are not sufficient, and then, many farmers require fertilizers to fill up the nutrient deficiency.

The plant nutrients are classified into macro and micronutrients. Macronutrients are required in higher amounts by the plants, which are further classified into primary and secondary nutrients.

Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus make up the primary nutrients. Whereas calcium, sulphur, and magnesium are the secondary nutrients required in small amounts but are essential for plant growth and health. 

Micronutrients are essential for the overall development and growth of the plant. These include boron, copper, nickel, zinc, manganese, iron, chlorine, and molybdenum.

Let us discuss the importance of essential nutrients in Watermelon plants in detail.

Nitrogen (N)

For the plant’s growth, rapid fruit and seed production, and improved leaf quality, Nitrogen is required in higher amounts. Nitrogen is responsible for the metabolic processes, which promote the transfer and synthesis of energy.

Symptoms Of Nitrogen Deficiency

Plants with below one percent Nitrogen are considered as Nitrogen-deficient. The deficiency stops the growth of the plant. The first symptom will be visible on older leaves, where the change in coloration is quite evident. It changes from light green to pale yellow.

Potassium (K)

Potassium helps to promote and strengthens the plant’s roots and stems. It builds up the protein and reduces the growth of diseases. Like Nitrogen, Potassium is also required in larger amounts.

Symptoms Of Potassium Deficiency

A healthy plant contains Potassium between 1-5%. Any Potassium deficiency will first appear on older leaves. With Potassium deficiency, the fruits and seeds are withered. You can manage the deficiency with the right dose of Potassium-rich fertilizer.

Phosphorus (P)

Phosphorus is essential for the process of photosynthesis. It is involved in starch, sugar, and oil formation. Additionally, it helps to promote root growth and bloom and fast growth of the plant. 

Symptoms Of Phosphorus Deficiency

The Watermelon plants with less than 1000ppm or 0.01 per cent Phosphorus are considered Phosphorus-deficient. Like Nitrogen and Potassium, the symptoms are first visible on the older leaves. Due to deficiency, the older leaves take reddish or bronze color with purple leaf margins.

Magnesium (Mg)

Magnesium helps to activate plant enzymes required for optimum plant growth. Magnesium ensures excellent shoot growth, and it also helps to maximize the leaf tissue before it began to flower.

Symptoms Of Magnesium Deficiency

The symptoms of magnesium deficiency include patchy or streaked effects on leaves and interveinal chlorosis. The leaves affected with magnesium deficiency curve upwards and turn smaller during the final stages. You can manage the acid soils’ deficiency if you apply dolomite on the soil after doing the soil test.

Calcium (Ca)

Calcium aims to boost the leaf and root growth of the plant during the pre-planting and growing season. It also helps to maximize crop development. When supplied in sufficient quantity, it maintains the quality and firmness of the fruit.

Symptoms Of Calcium Deficiency

Unlike other nutrients, calcium deficiency appears first on the younger leaves. The young leaves become unusually green, small, and distorted. The stem structure weakens, and terminal buds are desiccated. To solve the deficiency, you can apply lime to the acid soil after doing the soil test. 

Other Micronutrients

Other micronutrients such as boron, zinc, copper, iron, molybdenum, and manganese play significant roles in Watermelon growth. The nutrients ensure excellent leaf quality and maximize growth.

What Are The Fertilization Requirements For Watermelon?

By now, you have understood why Watermelons are called heavy-feeders and require a continuous supply of nutrients throughout the season. However, the condition of soil determines the fertilization requirements. For example, you must know if the plant is in its growing stage or the blooming stage? Different stages have different fertilization requirements.

Let us discuss the fertilization requirements of Watermelon in detail.

Watermelon NPK Ratio

To find the best fertilizer ratio for Watermelon, it should be high in Nitrogen during the early growing stage. Later, they will require fertilizers rich in Phosphorus and Potassium for fruit production.

If you apply the nitrogen-rich fertilizer after the fruit’s development, it could lead to excessive foliage growth. You can apply the fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 14-14-14 or 10-10-10 throughout their growing cycle. However, make sure to shift from nitrogen-rich fertilizer to a balanced fertilizer after the Watermelons began to grow.

Best Time To Apply Fertilizer

There is no definite time to fertilize the Watermelons. It is usually determined by soil conditions and the stage at which the Watermelons are growing.

Watermelon with new seedlings requires different nutritional requirements as compared to the Watermelon at the blooming stage. For new seedlings, always use a high-nitrogen fertilizer. As soon as the Watermelon plant starts to flower, use Potassium and Phosphorus-based fertilizer.

Fertilizing Schedule For Watermelon

Before starting the fertilization schedule, perform annual or semi-annual soil testing. Based on the results, you can carry out the fertilization of your Watermelons.

Fertigation is the most common fertilization method used by farmers and gardeners. The water-soluble fertilizers are injected into the drip irrigation system. By doing this, the nutrients are supplied gradually to the plants and offer them enough time to absorb.

Nowadays, farmers apply fertilizers throughout the growing stages, from planting to the Watermelon harvest. For pre-planting fertilization, farmers use manure around the Watermelon rows and begin the process of fertigation two days later after planting.

At this stage, the fertilizer applied contains a 12-48-8 NPK ratio along with other essential micronutrients. The Phosphorus-rich fertilizer will help the plants in developing strong roots. Moreover, the micronutrients will help the plants to ease the stress conditions due to transplanting.

Next, for the next three applications, apply the fertilizer once a week. The NPK ratio will oscillate between 12-48-8 and 15-30-15. The next four weeks will require fertilization application with a gap of 3-4 days and NPK 20-20-20 along with Ca(NO3)2.

At this stage, you will not apply fertilizer for straight two weeks. When the fruit reaches two-thirds of its weight in the eleventh week, apply 20-20-20 fertilizer. Now, you will provide the Watermelons with a continuous supply of KNO3.

When the Watermelon reaches the maturity stage, KNO3 is replaced by K2SO4. This is because the Watermelon plant requires more Potassium at this stage to produce well-shaped and sugary fruits.

Farmers commonly follow the methods according to their field. Before applying fertilizer, make sure you do the proper research about your soil conditions and make changes as required.

How Often To Fertilize

You should feed the fertilizer once a week with a liquid soluble fertilizer. You can apply a 20-10-20 NPK fertilizer until you see the plant began to flower. Once the plant enters into flower bloom, you can use 20-20-20 fertilizer throughout the growing season.

The 7 Best Fertilizers For Watermelons – Detailed Reviews Of Top Products         

Now, it’s time to proceed to the detailed reviews of the best fertilizer for Watermelons. You can read the reviews of each fertilizer below.

1. Osmocote Smart-Release Plant Food Flower & Vegetable

NPK Ratio: 14-14-14

If you want your Watermelon to never run out of nutrients, slow-release fertilizer is your best choice. Osmocote Smart-release is the best slow-release fertilizer to grow your Watermelons into a healthy and nutritious one.

Formulated for perennials and vegetables, the fertilizer stays and provides nutrition for four months after one application. Additionally, the eight-pound package is sufficient enough for your Watermelons during the growing season.

The plant food promotes root production and top-growth for a robust and healthy plant. But do you do how does it work? The fertilizer comes in granular form, which is treated in semi-permeable resin. The surface absorbs the water while dissolving the nutrients.

As the temperature rises, the nutrients are slowly released into the soil. Therefore, during the summer season, growth and productivity are at the maximum.

To apply the fertilizer, you need to sprinkle it on the soil and mix it adequately within the top inches. Water it daily or as required. You can reapply it after four months.


  • Incorporates a balanced formula of 14-14-14 for healthy nutrition
  • You can use it for both annual and perennial plants
  • Can cover about 40 sq. feet area
  • One application lasts for four months
  • Easy application


  • Does not contain high Phosphorus content for root growth

2. Miracle-Gro 3003510 Performance Organics Nutrition Granules

NPK Ratio: 9-2-7

Organic fertilizers are the most favored choice of gardeners but do they offer the same performance as other synthetic or fast-releasing fertilizers? Miracle-Gro Performance Organics provides a combination of organic and natural materials that are locally sourced aged compost.

With this organic approach, the fertilizer aims to maximize plant growth while producing double the amount of herbs, flowers, and vegetables. You will get instant results whenever you use it. Moreover, you will get a Miracle-Gro guarantee for the fertilizer.

For application, do not mix the fertilizer with water before feeding your Watermelons. Always apply it dry. The results are visible within seven days of application. Furthermore, you can apply the fertilizer to feed the in-ground herbs, vegetables, flowers, and plants.

The Miracle-Gro Performance Organics is Organics Materials Review Institute (OMRI) listed, which confirms the fertilizer is safe for organic gardening. Moreover, the packaging is also environment friendly and comes with a shaker applicator made from recycled plastic.


  • It comes with an in-built shaker applicator
  • Astonishing results within seven days
  • Highly effective
  • Easy to use and apply
  • Environmentally-friendly packaging


  • Contains strong smell

3. EarthPods Premium Garden Herbs & Vegetable Plant Food

NPK Ratio: 2-2-4

Now, boosting your plant’s vegetative and root growth becomes easy with EarthPods Premium Garden Herbs and Vegetable Plant food. If you are looking out for high-quality and environment-friendly organic fertilizer, this is your best fertilizer for Watermelon.

The primary issue you might face with fertilizers is the strong smell and inability to measure appropriately. However, EarthPods have taken care of your problem by providing a hundred concentrated and accurately measured EarthPods packed in a box. You will receive a four year supply that can be used for a small or big collection of vegetables and herbs.

The application process is relatively straightforward. You need to push one Earthpod within the soil near your Watermelon plant and water as usual. The Earthpod will break down the nutrients to slowly release into the soil up to the roots.

The fertilizer contains the proprietary formula which nourishes vegetables and herbs with multiple organic plant nutrients, soil humates & life, and trace minerals.


  • It does not require to dissolve in water
  • Application is done within seconds
  • Safe to use for outdoor and indoor plants
  • Contains premium bio formula


  • Depletes at a fast rate

4. The Old Farmer’s Almanac 2.25 lb. Organic Tomato & Vegetable Plant Food Fertilizer

NPK Ratio: 8-4-8

What if you need fertilizer to provide sufficient nutrients to the large garden of Watermelons? Don’t worry; now you have The Old Farmer’s Almanac Organic Tomato & Vegetable fertilizer in our list for best fertilizer for Watermelon.

The OMRI listed fertilizer for Watermelon, fruits, and other vegetables works perfectly well with the soil’s ecosystem and encourages healthy plant growth. The plant food provides nutrition to both edibles and flowers, making it effective for young as well as old and grown plants. 

Being environmentally friendly, the fertilizer does not contain any artificial additives that could harm the soil. Moreover, the nutrient mixture affects the development and growth of your plant positively. Thus, the fertilizer results in an increased rate of ripened crops with a rich and delightful harvest.

For application on your Watermelon plants, spread the plant food evenly on the unearthed soil. For 100 sq. meters, mix about 2.5 cups of plant food in the soil with eight-inch depth when you plant Watermelons.

If you are applying fertilizer on a well-grown Watermelon plant, you should apply the same amount at the onset of the growing season. This way, the plant food will boost the overall growth of the Watermelon plant.


  • Purely organic fertilizer
  • You can apply it to both outdoor and indoor plants
  • Features slow and quick release of nutrients
  • Easy to pour fertilizer


  • Nitrogen content can be insufficient for soil

5. Burpee Organic Tomato and Vegetable Granular Plant Food

NPK Ratio: 3-6-4

There is no better choice to promote the growth and maximum production of your Watermelon garden than using Burpee Organic Tomato and Vegetable Plant Food. It will promote the plant’s growth as well as maximizes fruit production.

With a 3-6-4 NPK ratio, the fertilizer boasts both quick and slow release of nutrients. The coated nutrients are released quickly into the soil to feed the hungry Watermelon plants, and then it is released slowly for feeding the Watermelons for three months.

One interesting quality that makes Burpee the best fertilizer for Watermelons is that it contains organic soil amendments and beneficial microbes. They help in the natural development of plants while strengthening the roots.

Your Watermelon plant will grow fruit during the harvest to produce green & enormous foliage throughout the season. You can apply the Burpee Tomato and Vegetable fertilizer for patio container Watermelon plants, young bedding plants, mature Watermelon plants, and seed starting.  


  • All-natural and organic fertilizer
  • Easy to use and spread
  • Quick and Slow-release of nutrients
  • OMRI listed


  • It takes some time to dissolve the granules

6. Urban Farm Fertilizers All-Purpose Vegetable Fertilizer

NPK Ratio: 4.5-2.5-6

Next up in the list for best fertilizer for Watermelon is All-Purpose Vegetable Fertilizer to boost your garden with fruits and greens. All the nutrition in addition to calcium are readily available for the plants to absorb to result in explosive growth. Thus, it prevents any rotting on the blossoms tips.

You can grow the whole lawn and garden of Watermelons with this beneficial fertilizer. Made to be used by different types of a vegetable plant, including Watermelon, the perfectly balanced NPK formula of 4.5-2.5-6 ensures adequate nutrition of the plants.

The fertilizer is highly concentrated and water-soluble. One quart bottle can form 64 gallons of powerful fertilizer. Made with organic elements, including minerals, enzymes, humic acid, mycorrhizae, and kelp, the fertilizer protects the plant from diseases and promotes exceptional growth.


  • You can use it for leafy vegetables
  • Can be applied at the onset and end for fruiting
  • Slightly elevated Potassium and high Nitrogen
  • Calcium to prevent rotting of blossoming tips.


  • The fertilizer is not purely organic

7. Miracle-Gro Nature’s Care Organic & Natural Tomato, Vegetable & Herb Plant Food

NPK Ratio: 7-6-9

If you are looking for someone’s help to grow your garden, then stop right there. Instead of spending money on outside help, invest in Miracle-Gro Nature’s Organic & Natural Plant Food.

Along with the essential nutrients, the plant food contains calcium in an adequate amount to promote quality growth in your Watermelon plants. Your plants will always receive a continuous supply of nutrients due to the slow-release formula to feed for two months. 

To apply the fertilizer, you can follow either of the two methods. First, sprinkle the plant food over the soil and let it dissolve naturally. Secondly, before planting the Watermelons, mix the plant food in the soil. You can reapply the plant’s food during the growing season after every six weeks for astonishing results.


  • Purely organic fertilizer
  • Easy to use and apply
  • Can feed for two months after one application
  • Includes calcium for high-quality vegetables and fruits


  • Reacts slowly and takes time to show results

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can You Use Eggshells For Your Watermelon Plants?

The food scraps from eggshells or celery can make highly nutritious food scrap compost. The food scraps generally contain a high level of nutrients, which helps the Watermelon grow to its full-strength.

You need to keep in mind that they also contain high soluble salt content along with nutrition. Salt can extract water from the Watermelon and the soil. What you can do is to leave the compost for a day in the sun to evaporate the salt. After, that the food scrap compost is ready to be applied to your Watermelon plants.

2. Are Coffee Grounds Good For Watermelons?

Generally, coffee grounds are best for acid-loving plants like blueberries or tomatoes. However, when old coffee grounds are used for Watermelons, they resulted in its enhanced flavor.

The ground releases Nitrogen into the soil when it breaks down. It also contains other nutrients such as copper, magnesium, Potassium, and Phosphorus to boost plant growth.

3. Can You Use Banana Peels As A Fertilizer For Watermelon Plants?

Banana Peels are considered highly beneficial for your garden as it contains about 42% Potassium along with Phosphorus and Nitrogen. Potassium helps the plant to move water and nutrients between the cells. Moreover, it provides strength to the plant’s stems.

When you add banana peels to the compost pile, it helps make the soil lighter, and the compost retains water.

4. How To Maximize The Size Of Your Watermelons?

If your Watermelon does not receive proper care during the growing season, they will grow slowly and are likely to get damaged by disease or pests. If you want to increase Watermelons’ size, regularly water the plant’s base or perform deep-watering sessions to obtain moist soil.

Later, apply the fertilizer on the sides of the Watermelon plants to feed them with nutrients. The fertilizer promotes growth to obtain more gigantic Watermelons. Additionally, mulching near the plants minimizes soil and Watermelon contact to protect them from pests and diseases.

5. How Do You Know Why Watermelons Does Not Produce Fruit?

You can find various reasons why there is no fruit on your Watermelon plant. But first, you must know if you have followed the proper growing guidelines. Watermelon requires growing in the full sunlight for eight hours or more per day. Moreover, the soil should be well-draining and fertile.

Even after following the proper planting instructions, your Watermelons have an issue with pollination. Belonging to the cucurbits family, many plants have both female and male flowers.  The bees move the pollen from male flowers to the female bloom. When pollen is not delivered on time to fertilize a female flower, it will result in malformed or no fruit.

Final Thoughts

Now the summer’s juicy, sweetest and nutritious fruit is within your reach. Containing high water content, Watermelons keep your body well-hydrated. Besides, Watermelon contains enough nutrients such as antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that benefit your health.

By now, we have provided you with advanced and detailed information about growing, caring, and fertilizing the Watermelon plants in this article. With the best fertilizer for Watermelons

reviewed by us, we hope you are ready to develop and produce the delicious Watermelons in your garden with ease and perfection.